
S3 Giving Haven to Animals Most in Need

If you've ever thought about rescuing and providing sanctuary to an animal in need, this episode is for you!

Guests Kate Tsyrklevich and Hope Hilman run Heartwood Haven, a popular microsanctuary for farmed animals in Gig Harbor, Washington, USA. Pigs and roosters are their preferred rescues. Many of the hundreds they've saved come from appalling conditions, including cockfighting busts. Unfortunately, the cruel and illicit multi-billion-dollar cockfighting industry operates underground in neighborhoods throughout the United States.

Roosters and pigs are highly sociable and charismatic non-human animals who can thankfully recover and live healthy lives when removed from abusive and traumatic situations. Microsanctuaries such as Heartwood Haven are springing up across the world to reset public misconceptions about these and other farmed animals, whose lives are just as worthy as our much-revered dogs and cats.

Calls to Action

  • Kate and Hope have kicked off a "Valen-Swine's" fundraising campaign to raise the monies needed for a new barn for their smaller pigs.

  • They have a significant social media following you can join @heartwoodhaven.
  • Coming to Washington State? You can book a tour of Heartwood Haven here.
  • Cockfighting is a felony in most states and countries. Help end it by contacting local law enforcement If you suspect this activity is occurring in your community.


Sentient Planet is an independent production created on the traditional land of the Nisqually Tribe in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Please consider supporting our work on Patreon. Thank you!

Intro music: "The Spaces Between" by Scott Buckley.

Interstitial music: "Ascent" by Stellardrone.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Sentient Planet
Sentient Planet
Giving voice to the species with whom we share the Earth and the humans dedicated to their urgent defense and preservation. Long-form stories included every season. Like what you hear? You can support our message on Patreon.

About your hosts

Profile picture for Susan Woodward

Susan Woodward

Susan is a writer and journalist with strong ties to Australia and the West Coast, USA. She resists the corporate destruction of nature and is a passionate defender of our more-than-human animal kin. You will often find her hiking in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.
Profile picture for Liam Wilkinson

Liam Wilkinson

Liam is our sound engineer and podcast editor. When he isn't working on our audio, you'll often find him walking around the parks of England, cooking up a storm, or writing and performing nature-inspired music under the moniker "Salad Sage."
Profile picture for Ari Simmons

Ari Simmons

Ari lives in Portland, Oregon and manages all our podcast's social media demands. She's an avid climate activist and solar energy specialist who is driven to foster a sustainable future inclusive of all living beings.
Profile picture for Janet Grimwade

Janet Grimwade

Janet has a strong background in graphic design, having built a career in Australia and the United States. Her passion lies in being active in nature.